Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I miss riding Gary.... my mountain bike.

See he's a Gary Fisher and so what better name for a bike? Anyways. Spring is starting to appear. And yet Gary sits in the garage. Un-used and un-loved. I tried explaining to him that at the moment we just aren't right for eachother. That the weather seems to get in the way of our time together. But I don't think he understands.

And so he sits in my friends garage. (I know, not even my garage) Waiting for the day for me to pick him up, go to the mountains and have fun.

Blast this artic freeze weather!!!! because right now all I want to do is to go and ride.


Cactus said...

That's no excuse I think gary will be remorseful when you ride him and throw you off...

Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

tell gary he's just gunna have to wait! my ex-lover bicycle is in pieces... at least it should be after i gave her to cactus. anywho, gary's gunna have to deal with it! at least he's still in one piece!

katie said...

Pay no attention to scuba steve. Never neglect a good fisher! Even if you have bundle up some day, or brave an insane amount of mud...let the fella' out for a ride! Sunday is supposed to be beautiful...

shinbone #4 said...

SPRING IS STARTING TO APPEAR?? REALLY?? We still have about 4 feet of snow that needs to melt away before we can even hope for a glimpse of spring. Fotunately it's no long -20C, and the days are getting slightly longer. But I think it will be a while before the sun manages to put an end to snow. SIGH.
So be thankful for the good things that you got :D
I'm sure you and Gary will be blissfully reunited soon!