Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why I love Memorial Day

* Biking down to Territory Days
* Seeing more than my fair share of mullets and interesting clothing combinations
* Determining that most people get hideous tattoos (What's up with that? It's permanent people, get something cool!)
* Turkey Legs
* "Homemade" Lemonade that was made with all natural Nutri-sweet
* Exploring the side roads where I live
* Drinking Old Fashions (Grind an orange slice and a cherry into sugar, add 1/3 bourbon, 1/3 soda water, a dash of bitters and throw some ice in it)... this might be my new summer drink- Thanks Jeremy!
* Curly potatoe fries
* listening to new age Native American music and determining that it's not my favourite genre. It's not even a top 100.
* Swinging on my hammock and not falling out.
* Road tripping through the void of Nebraska with a good friend and realizing that I left all my good cds in Colorado.
* Camping with my niece only to realize she snores.
* Eating fresh home-made rye bread.
* Having my mom hem my pants
* Washing my car with my dad and having a water fight.
* Biking a mile with my niece which took 2 hours.
* Picking wildflowers.
* Having those hard conversations, crying, and learning about myself in the process.

Ok. All of these things are priceless. I guess my life is like a MasterCard commercial afterall.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's Official...

I think I can now finally call myself a Coloradian.

Yes. I now have Colorado plates and GASP! I even sucked it up and went to the DMV (the place I detest most in the world) and got a driver's license.

I've gone skiing at Breck, Copper, Keystone, and Eldora

I've gone backpacking through a couple feet of snow to La Plata in May.

I've mountain biked through the fall aspens at the base of Mount Princeton.

I've kayaked at 11 mile reserviour.

I've climbed the Cactus Cliffs at Shelf Road.

I've hiked around Crested Butte in search of wildflowers.

I've snowshoed and stayed at a Yurt in the San De Cristo mountains.

Oh, and I've competed in cannon ball contests at the Punchbowls.

I've flipped over bikes,
fallen down mountains,
scrapped my knees,
made my fingers bleed.
I have scars.
I have bruises.

But I think I've finally arrived.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays...

Contrary to popular belief sometimes I do actually do work while I'm at work.

Just not today. Or yesterday.... or the day before that.

We moved our whole department to the basement and I sort of feel like Milton from Office Space mumbling about my red swingline stapler. I already do the TPS reports (seriously, they are) so I'm just waiting for my boss to come up to me and say

"Mmmm yeah..... I'm gonna need to you come in on Saturday...."

Thursday, May 10, 2007


In 17 hours and 50 minutes I will be on my way....
That's right, Read it and weep

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I woke up this morning to rain.
I smiled.
And realized that it was going to be a beautiful day.