Monday, October 16, 2006

I had a dream....

I had a dream last night that I was riding 50 cc motorcycles with my friend Jev. For some reason we had carts beind our motorcyles full of cardboard and we were racing eachother. I don't know who won because I woke up before the race was finished. I know, random dream.

In real life...
On Friday I went to the liquor store to buy some drinks. And there was this chick that was on crack. It was somewhat sad and pitiful. She was itching her arms, talking a mile a minute and pretty much stumbling or falling into anything in her path. It so easy to judge, but it's probably better to realize given the circumstances I would probably be the one on crack.


Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

i had a dream that you kicked my ass in the same race! only, insead of carts dragging behind us was, we were dragging a large statue of cactus... naked...

it was hot.

Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

hey, i just got a talking to from one of the high ups about travelling. unfortunately, much like the navs, they're pretty conservative. they laid out some pretty strict rules about one girl travelling with 4 or 5 guys, which it would be. so, consequently, i'm trying to find some girls to bring along with us so this trip can happen. anyway, i just wanted to give you a heads up just in case.

JK said...

Please find a girl. Any girl, just as long as she's a girl. Oh and somewhat cool. I would like to travel with you in China.

Or you could tell the higher ups that it's all guys. After all Jamie is a pretty gender nuetral name....

abbs said...

Jamie! So great to see you on here! What an interesting day you had!

Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

yeah, i'm tryin! i thought about the telling em your a guy thing, but they require a copy of your passport for thier records here, also, one of they guys i'm traveling with is a little on the conservative side, and he might leak, if you know what i mean. anyway, i'll keep searching!

JK said...

What about the the girls the on your team? They might not have personalities, but at least they would be the right gender....