Thursday, January 24, 2008


is January 25, 2008.

And I will be 26. Ok, I can't hyperventilate. I just can't. 26 means that I'm not in my early 20's anymore. I'm going to be in my late 20s.... Oh Crap!!!

Turning 25 was a mild heart attack. And that was only because my mom got married when she was 25 and I wasn't even dating anyone. (And for some reason that was a big deal for me to get married before I was 25) But I got over my insecurities and braved my fears of being single. And I can now honestly say that I'm happy to be adventerously single.

Yes, 25 was a good year. But it was a hard year. I learned lots of difficult lessons including:

* When do you help someone out and when do you just let them face the consequences of their actions?

* Who am I and do I really like the person that I've become? (I realized who I was, and I realized that I really didn't like the person I became, so I wised up, learned more about who I want to become and changed for the better)

* Being content in all circumstances. (Single, dating, friends, friends with benefits.... ok, scratch that last one. Friends with benefits just sucks and I don't recommend it at all)

* Which would lead me to the last huge, large lesson that was the hardest to learn. Teaching myself that I deserve better than what I settle for. That I'm worth it. Yeah cliched but so true. (Props to Doug on this one!)

So all this to say that 25 was a good year, a hard year, but one worth going through.

If I had to make a soundtrack for 25, it would include copious amounts of Bright Eyes, Derek & the Dominoes, Coldplay, Smashing Pumpkins and oddly Andrea Bocelli.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Why do people deride me when I whine over being 27? It's my freak-out, so let me have it! Seriously though, the late 20s are NOT fun because you're officially an adult. Officially. An adult. It still scares me, and ever moreso because I still have no idea what's going on in my life. Not one little bit.

When I was living in Campeche, a Norwegian studying with me said that she would have it all figured out by the time she was 30. It would all magically come together despite how she spent her 20s. She's 30 now, and I have no idea what;s going on with her, but I do hope it all worked out because that gives me hope too.

And thanks for the props, if I am indeed the Doug you refer too. We are worth it, and how much so will become evident by the time we are 30. I hope.

PS: Happy Birthday!